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USMC Veteran, Afghanistan, Cpl, (Ret)

Pete Joined the Marine Corps in May, 2003.  After completing Boot Camp at Parris Island, SC, he reported for Infantry training at Camp Geiger, NC and was trained as an 0351 Assault Man. Following school, he reported to 2nd Bn, 3rd Marines located at Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay. He was then assigned to Golf Co., Weapons Platoon and immediately begin a pre-deployment work up for Afghanistan.  Pete deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in May of 2005 in the Jalalabad area of Afghanistan. His first big operation in country was Operation Red Wings followed by Operation Whalers. On October 1st 2005 be suffered a Cardiac Arrest, secondary to an IED explosion and was flown to Germany and then on to Bethesda Naval Hospital where he spent two months followed by 30 days of leave and then reported back to his unit in Hawaii. Pete was processed for a Medical Retirement and was Honorably retired from the Marine Corps as a Corporal on April 30, 2006. Following Pete’s retirement, he became a Deputy Sheriff in West Virginia for two years and then transferred to the county fire department where he became a paramedic and driver engineer. Due to Pete’s declining health he decided to move himself and his family back to his home state of Florida to be closer with the rest of his family. Pete was then diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis in July of 2015 and was paralyzed from the chest down. Fighting back against all odds as Marines do, Pete was able to regain his ability to walk 3 months later. He is currently 100 percent total and permanent through the VA.  Pete served 3 1/2 years in the Corps. 

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